Been a while since I wrote anything on this blog but I have been productive on another site, the A sister site to the very awesome site As most if you know it's a skeptical blog with women bloggers. Feel very privileged to be part of such an awesome group of gals and it's given me a creative output.
Mostly I've written about lighter subjects but I am now in the process of taking on homeopathy, something that is much more time consuming than anything I've written about before. Because when it comes to homeopaths they are quick to believe the unbelievable and often refers to scientific studies that they haven't read themselves. So I'm taking my time on this, reading the meta-analyses and making a detailed research. And although it's a lot to take in, it's fun doing so. Can't wait to post it on SkepchickSE.
I chose a new nickname for my Skepchick debut, Kaylee. It comes from the tv series Firefly's female mechanic and it was recommended to me by one if my friends, Anders. A desecrate reference to my future occupation. Thanks Anders. ^_^ So on some sites I'm now going by Kaylee-Kez.
Last weekend we had a Skeptics in Da Klomp event and as usual it was lots of fun. This time we also had visitors from Stockholm and one of the hosts of Skeptikerpodden, Maria. Great having them there and I look forward to the next meeting in stockholm 2/4 at the Magic Bar. That will also be the weekend VoF have lectures on Skepticism and Cold reading. Looking forward to it.
Beerwise I have discovered a beet that also appeals to the chocolate lover in me. Take a look at the pic. Deliciousness in a bottle. Try it if you get the chance.
That's all for now, be sure to follow us on